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Smorgas'Border Demo
TOOLBOX Software '87
Thank You for taking the time to look at this demo of TOOLBOX
Software's latest utility program for PrintMaster(C) library
files. This utility is specifically designed to make the most
out of your border libraries. Like its predecessor, PM
Utility, Smorgas'Border gives you the ability to use your
border files in other programs by transforming them into
clip-art files.
This demo version of Smorgas'Border has been limited in such
a way that you can use all of the functions but you cannot
save your work AND you can only access the first 3 borders
from any given border file. The maximum number of borders is
If you wish to purchase a fully working version of
Smorgas'border along with the official documentation then
please send a check for $15 to me, Marcos Zorola at the
following address. ToolBox also has a utility for PrintMaster
Picture libraries. PM Utility lets you do many of the same
things to library pictures as Smorgas let you do to borders.
PM Utility sells for $15 or if you wish to buy both PM
Utility and Smorgas'Border at the same time the total cost is
$20. The latest and final version of PM Utility is 5.0.
Marcos Zorola
234 Bristol
San Antonio, TX 78214
(512) 922-3537
If you have any comments, suggestions, or bug reports then
please send them to the same address. Also, I do encourage
uploading this demo to other BBS's after all you are the
means by which word of this application gets around.
Thank You,
Marcos M Zorola
How or Why to use Smorgas'Border
Many times I have found myself needing a border for a
specific purpose. Often I wanted to create my own border but
there wasn't any 'easy' way to do so. Constructing a border
from scratch 1 pixel at a time was hardly the method I
wanted. When I wrote Smorgas'Border I wanted to provide an
'easy' method for creating borders, and so IMPORT and EXPORT
came about. With EXPORT you can create a Degas(C) compatible
file with a border in the center. What makes EXPORT useful is
that the border has alignment markers on the outside. With
these markers you can accurately dtermine where the border
segments begin and end. You can then load in the border into
your favorite drawing program and alter away... Just don't
erase the outside markers, they come in handy later. When you
are ready to reload the border just run Smorgas and choose
IMPORT. You then line up the moveable grid with the markers
on your EXPORTED border. When they align just press the mouse
button and in a flash you have a new border. It made more
sense to me to make an easy method for you to use your
favorite drawing program for creating borders rather than
make a complex editor full of commands for you to learn. For
those of us who need only to make minor changes to the
border, Smorgas has a mini editor that you can use for
pixel-at-a-time manipulation.
Whenever I need clip-art for my Publishing Partner works of
art, I wished that I had borders too. Well with the clip-art
function you can create all types of usable clip-art and
borders for your Desktop Publishing uses. Actually, any
program that can use Degas(C) files can use the clip-art
produced by Smorgas. In my particular instances when I need a
border I just get my border clip-art. In order to understand
how these tiny little borders can be of any use to anyone you
first have to understand how PrintMaster uses these borders.
Each border is made of 8 segments. For example:
|1| 2 |3|
| | | |
|4| |5|
| | | |
|6| 7 |8|
Each square with a number within it represents a segment.
When a large border is needed, PrintMaster simply repeats the
side segments to make a border taller or wider. For this
reason then you must do the same thing when you need a large
border. In my case with Publishing Partner I simply load in
the clip-art file and cut out a segment then paste it to the
document. If I need the border longer I just paste more
segments side by side until I get the desired length.
You can see that Smorgas'Border does open up your border
libraries to another world of uses. Being able to include
borders on my other graphic works really adds a special
touch. Its also nice to customize and create create new
border libraries.
Smorgas'Border Instruction Overview
Basic Operation...
The basic method of operation is as follows:
After starting the application you are presented with a blank
form. You must load in a border file before anything can be
done. After loading a border file you may do several things
such as export and import borders, rename and delete borders,
etc. Most of the functions require that you specify at least
1 border for the operation to act upon. You select a border
by doing the following; first notice that at the extreme left
hand side of the form there is a window that lists the
borders currently loaded. You use this window to select
specific borders for operations. The window displays only 8
border names at a time. If you wish to see the other border
names then use the arrow button to scroll the list up and
down. You can also use the scroll box located between the
arrows to move within the list. Within the window the actual
border names are displayed. These names can appear in many
states. Normally they will appear as dark letters on white.
When they are selected they appear as white letters on black.
When a border has been marked for deletion its name appears
shaded (checkered). To select a border name simply point to
it with the mouse and click on it once. To de-select a
border, point to the name and click. You can toggle a border
in this manner from normal to selected and back. You may
select many border names. Most functions support the
selection of multiple borders. After you have selected the
desired borders you can select the operation. The border
files is saved when you exit the application or when you wish
to load another border file.
The Buttons Explained...
The file button has a dual purpose. You either use it to
load a border file or to create a 'new' blank border
file. To load a border file just select the FILE button.
To create a new border file then select FILE while
holding down the SHIFT key.
The program automatically defaults to the current drive
and sub directory. If you wish to use files from another
drive or sub directory then alter the PATH specification
on the top of the GEM File Selector.
This option will copy selected borders into a clip-art
file. The borders are scaled to their smallest size in
order to fit as many borders on a screen as possible. If
you have selected too many borders to fit on one screen
the application will inform you. These borders will be
left selected so that you may place them in another
clip-art file. There is only one option to this command.
When you select Clip-Art you are asked if you want the
borders exploded. Exploding a border put a 1 pixel space
between each segment. This helps when you need to
clip-out just certains sections.
Print-Out will produce a hard-copy of your border
library. You choose to print-out all or just selected
borders. There is a configuration file called
"PRINTER.CNF" that Smorgas'Border uses to send the
correct codes to you printer. The file is composed of
the following lines:
{Printer INIT} The codes needed to properly set up the
printer such as a form feed, adjustment of line spacing,
{Printer Prefix} These codes are sent before the actual
bit image data is sent. Most printers need to know
exactly how much graphic data is being sent. This amount
is usually sent as 2 codes with one code being n/256 and
the other as n MOD 256. Put a -2 where the n/256 code
goes and a -1 where the n MOD 256 code goes.
{Printer Suffix} These codes are sent directly after the
image data is sent. It is usually a carriage return and
{Printer RESET code} These codes are sent after the
print-out in order to return the printer to a certain
state. It is usually a form feed and then some code for
resetting the printer.
{Resolution} This is one number indicating how many dots
per line you have set your printer for. Generally this
is 960 but you can go as low as 640. (If your printer
supports it!)
{Rows per page} This single number indicates the number
of rows of borders that you wish placed on 1 page before
a new page is started.
With export you can copy a border to a DEGAS(C)
compatible picture file. In addition to the border
alignment lines are added so that you can use this file
for altering the border on you favorite paint program.
This way when you wish to alter a border in a large way
you can do it on your favorite paint program that has
the many features you are comfortable with. You can then
reload this border with the IMPORT command.
If you select EXPORT without selecting any borders you
are asked if you wanted to export a blank set of guides.
You may do this if you wish to create a border from
With the import command you can read in borders from
DEGAS(C) compatible files and have them converted to
borders. After specifying the file, you are asked to
align the guides on the image. This is where the guides
on the exported image come in handy. You can match the
mouse controlled guides directly with the guides
generated in the EXPORT. When they align, press the
mouse button and in 2 seconds you have a border. While
having guides on the imported image helps it is not
With this option you can copy border(s) to another
border file or have them appended to your current file.
You may wish to copy a border to the current file when
you want to alter it but still keep the original.
With delete you can mark a border for deletion. When you
save the file the border is actually deleted. If you
choose not to delete a border, simply "re-delete" it to
unmark the file.
You can rename selected borders with this command.
Use to exit Smorgas'Border. If you have changed your
file in anyway you are also given the option to save
your changes to disk.
And now for something completely different...
On the right hand side of the form there is a view screen
from which you may see any border by simply selecting the
border(s) and clicking in the center of the view screen. An
alternate method is to double-click the border's name. The
view screen has many other uses in addition to viewing
borders. As a border is drawn you will notice that each
border is composed of essentially 8 pieces-- 4 corners and 4
sides. Smorgas'Border contains its own Touch-Up editor that
you can use to alter any of those segments. To enter the
touch-up editor simply click on any one segment. The Touch-Up
editor is very basic. If you have large scale changes in
mind, use the EXPORT command and use your paint program then
IMPORT the border back in. Another unique function of the
view screen is the block copy option. You can copy any
segment to another like type segment. If you wanted to copy a
corner to another corner you would press down the shift key
then click and drag the corner to the other corner then
release. All the corners are of the same type as well as top
and bottom, left and right border segments.
That's It!
That covers most of Smorgas'Border's functions. Thanks once
again for taking the time to try out this application Demo.
Marcos M Zorola